- Firstly, how many site inspections has the company passed?
- Secondly, how many defects have occurred? Further, how do they break down by type and project?
- Thirdly, what are our rework costs?
- How much time does it take to fix projects’ defects?
- Finally, are customers pleased with our work?
Assess Job Site Safety, Work Quality, and Customer Satisfaction
The dashboard’s card widgets provide a quick and easy visual reference for reviewing crucial construction KPIs. For example, at a glance, viewers can see that the team passed over 90% of its site inspections. Also, they have held over a thousand safety meetings.
In addition, leaders can review the number of defects, the time taken to fix them, and rework costs. Finally, viewers can see the number of total and resolved complaints, along with the percentage of customers who are promoters, passives, and detractors. This data comes from the team’s Net Promoter Score, which details how likely customers are to recommend the company to others. Leaders can view the NPS, along with the customer satisfacton score (which is based on the percentage of complaints that are resolved), in a gauge on the right side of the dashboard. The CSR pie chart offers additional insight into client satisfaction.
Finally, the defect bar chart outlines the number and type of defects the team found within each project category. Similarly, the non-comformance report chart details the number of open and closed reports of work that did not meet the required quality standards.
Filter Your Data
One key feature of this dashboard is its versatility. With the “Project” and “Project Type” drop-down list box filters, viewers can display quality KPIs in the construction industry for any combination of projects and categories. Users can reset a filter by clicking the funnel-shaped icon in the upper right corner of the list box. This feature is invaluable for users who need to focus their analysis on specific pieces of data.